Thursday, March 22

If I can't have a puppy....

This is Knut the polar cub! He's an orphan in Berlin but some animal activists are trying to get him killed because they say the zoo peeps are raising him as a human and that's not right. But look how cute he is! I think I'll buy one. Sure, it will grow up to be a 300kg killer, but I'm sure the two years of cuteness will be worth it. I'm sure Dustin Hoffman would be stoked to have a new playmate.

Monday, March 19

Last night a 90-year-old stole my legs and left me hers....

Ouch, I seriously have the legs of a 90-year-old now. Tim, Alex and I did Round the Bays yesterday, on behalf of Tegal and Griffins, though there wasn't a cookie bear in sight. I had to go on my own because I wanted to run - and I managed the full 8.4km! I was so surprised. That's a long way for me, although I'm sure it's not for some people! Old grannies were passing me, kids were whizzing by as if I was taking baby steps. But I got there eventually.

Then I got lost trying to find the Griffins set up and ended up walking around by myself for two hours till I felt like my legs were going to give up on me entirely! I was tired and hungry and had no water, and I had to go to the Lost Kids tent and ask the lady there if I could pay her to use her cellphone! Felt like a right plonker. Tim and I ended up going to bed at 8.30 - which I actually think is a record for us.

So this morning it felt like some old biddy had taken off with my legs. I don't think my running career is going to make me world famous in New Zealand. I just winced my way down K Rd to try to stretch the ol' muscles. What's with that myth that exercise is good for you? No wonder every GP I've ever had has been overweight!

Saturday, March 17

Ah, the Borat hilarity continues

Brrrrrmmmm - Dad's first race

Check this out! Dad raced today at Pukekohe for the first time in his MG Midget. It was really cool. I arrived just in time to see him zip past me on the track in his first run through. Tim and Dad's friend Lindsey crewed for him - which involved a lot of pushing the car around. He did really well, knocking three seconds off the time he estimated for himself. Cool car ay :)

Monday, March 12

Spag Bol Party In Whananaki

So, 10 (sometimes 11) of us set out for Whananaki on the weekend - and what a fun two days it was. We did lots of swimming in the rough waves, lots of eating of sausages and lots of dressing up in disturbing costumes only to be photographed by a friendly stranger. Most of the boys opted to dress in drag, except for Tim who opted for something even more disturbing and came away the winner on the day.

Red wearing Kelly's pink mini skirt, and facial stubble.
Daniel modelling Alex's bikini top.
Tim's Godawful outfit.
Danielle managing to trick Eddie into swapping outfits, only to end up being more comfortable than she was before! Ha ha. Us women, we're clever.
The skinny-dip where the boys didn't realise the girls were actually wearing clothing.
Tim explaining organising the transport as "trying to organise children at a spaghetti bolognaise party (we still don't know what he meant by that)
The strictest game of Kings I've ever played, with Eddie the Fuhrer spitting the dummy if we didn't stick to his rules.

Wednesday, March 7

Pics from my now de-funked cellphone

Martina Street during Movember

Pauly Fa-ma-wee-na during Movember

Tim as we waited SIX hours to watch the tennis

Tim at the Leigh Sawmill

Kelly at the Leigh Sawmill

Red and Kelly at the... you get the drift

Kat playing poker - Paul trying to put her off no doubt!

Jim at Wendy's. We eat real healthy

A dangerous creature known as the Hannah Taylorsaurus

Leonard K eating chocolate - surprise surprise


My favourite little man

And the next photos are of us all at the Black Seeds concert at the Zoooooo