Monday, May 28

Dancing with the Stars

Wow I really never thought I'd go to as star-studded party as I did on Saturday night. There were so many famous people there. Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, the drummer from Deaf Leopard, a Dixie Chick, Princess Diana, the Devil herself, Dirty Sanchez and David Bain! It was just amazing. Everyone got along really well though, and nobody seemed to be worried about grabbing the limelight. Celebrity hookup alert: I hear Princess Di liked the look of David Bain, but I'm guessing she does have a thing for men with big ears... In fact I think they might have even gone home together...

Friday, May 11

I'm chucking in this journalism gig...

Yesterday I went to see an oral surgeon about my four (impacted, grotty) wisdom teeth needing to come out. After sitting and waiting while he was late for my appointment (thank God I had the wonderful Anthony Kiedis bio to read while I waited, thanks Streets) he saw me for what amounted to 5 mins to tell me about the op. Then he gave me a photocopied fact sheet on wisdom teeth which I'm sure I could have found on the net and which wasn't even pretty and colourful. The bill? NINETY DOLLARS. Ridiculous. So I am going to throw in the journo towel and become an oral surgeon, even though teeth and mouths and saliva scare me. And gums.

Oh but I did learn a cool new world: Maxillofacial. Oooh that sounds like he's going to do something truely horrible to your face. But I'm guessing getting my wisdom teeth out won't exactly be going in for a facial...

Happy Day Amanda John Peart!

Today is one of my favourite people's birthdays so I would like to say Happy Day Amanda! It was really yesterday to those of us in the right hemisphere, but in weirdo Londonland they're a bit behind! I'm sure they'll catch up eventually. Hope you have a rad day John Peart :) Ps: The above picture isn't of my Amanda Peart, but a complete stranger also called Amanda Peart, it's the closest I could find without having pictures of the Real McCoy.

Wednesday, May 2

What the...

I have no idea what this is all about?

Oh too terrible! But funny all the same.

The reply is "thanks" ha ha

Bet your airbags aren't this big!