I'm chucking in this journalism gig...

Yesterday I went to see an oral surgeon about my four (impacted, grotty) wisdom teeth needing to come out. After sitting and waiting while he was late for my appointment (thank God I had the wonderful Anthony Kiedis bio to read while I waited, thanks Streets) he saw me for what amounted to 5 mins to tell me about the op. Then he gave me a photocopied fact sheet on wisdom teeth which I'm sure I could have found on the net and which wasn't even pretty and colourful. The bill? NINETY DOLLARS. Ridiculous. So I am going to throw in the journo towel and become an oral surgeon, even though teeth and mouths and saliva scare me. And gums.
Oh but I did learn a cool new world: Maxillofacial. Oooh that sounds like he's going to do something truely horrible to your face. But I'm guessing getting my wisdom teeth out won't exactly be going in for a facial...
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