Hello my name is Kelly and I'm a quilter

I've been working on panels that are looking really good and got inspired in Australia when seeing all the cool stuff Barb has made. I know you're all laughing at me - but seriously! It's so much fun. It gives me something to do instead of getting bored when Tim's got his nose in his study books (as in all the time at the moment!**) and I really love all the material I've got. I'm sure most people turn to booze when faced with hours of boredom, so surely quilting is a healthier alternative ha ha.
There I have confessed. I have the hobby of a 60 year old. But I'm not even the youngest in my class! I will post some of my masterpiece when I get around to photographing it.
** Tim is a buzy Lizzie at the moment with studying - in fact he had a test today and one tomorrow - so GOOD LUCK TIM!!
Oh, I thought this was titled "My name is Kelly and I'm a quitter" and I got all excited that you'd given up being an old lady. Alas, I was mistaken. Oh, how I wish I was in NZ so I could mock you loudly in person...
I'm no quitter! Ha ha.
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