Tuesday, September 19

Mahir Mahir

In light of a recent conversation with Amanda Jean Peart, check out this hilarious link...


I can't figure out if it's a real dude or not - but my workmate Claire sent it to me because of the release of the Borat movie.

It's a gas, as Aine would say! He's got one hell of a mo.

I Kiss You!

Oh and Tim's doing great now. Off to get the staples pulled out on Friday. And in other news the land of the long white cloud gets Dan and Alex back soon - how jolly exciting. Just two weeks to go before they arrive.

Oh and here's a joke sent to me by Lisa Booth (aka Laisel Boob)

Sad News...With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person, which almost went unnoticed last week.Larry LaPrise, the man that wrote "The Hokey Pokey" died peacefully at the age of 93. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in, and then the trouble started.

Friday, September 15

Check It Out!

Here we go I had to do it - a pic of Tim's staples :) Quite amazing. It goes even further up than that too - and around his belly button. He's allowed home as soon as he does a good poo and tells the docs about it.

This is a view from side on.

Wednesday, September 13

Latest On Op

Well the removal of Cecil the Cyst went really well. The surgeon was happy with the operation - and he says there's nothing to worry about with the cyst - turns out it's just a strange thing Tim managed to grow, and came out relatively easily without having to take any of the intestine.

Tim was in a lot of pain yesterday and it was quite awful but he's doing a lot better today. He's got morphine hooked up to a button - so guess who's a happy boy!

Thanks to everyone who called and sent emails/messages - was awesome to hear from everybody. Will keep you posted on when they let him out. I'm off to deliver a bunch of DVDs to keep him going!

Peace ;)

Monday, September 11

Tim's Operation

Hi everyone, just a quick note to say if I'm not in touch much at the moment, it's because things have been quite busy here in Auckland. Tim is going in for an operation tomorrow. It's nothing to be worried about, but it's quite a major one and he's going to be well out of action for a few weeks.

He's been feeling a lot of abdominal pain for about three weeks and an MRI scan finally discovered that he has a cyst the size of a baseball in his intestines. Not very fun. But we've named him Cecil and will be glad to see him go!

So Tim will be in the Manukau SuperClinic for about 7 days they think and then home to rest up for about six weeks. Hopefully he'll be able to make up for lost time with uni once he's better.

I'll post again once we know all about our new friend Cecil.