Wednesday, September 13

Latest On Op

Well the removal of Cecil the Cyst went really well. The surgeon was happy with the operation - and he says there's nothing to worry about with the cyst - turns out it's just a strange thing Tim managed to grow, and came out relatively easily without having to take any of the intestine.

Tim was in a lot of pain yesterday and it was quite awful but he's doing a lot better today. He's got morphine hooked up to a button - so guess who's a happy boy!

Thanks to everyone who called and sent emails/messages - was awesome to hear from everybody. Will keep you posted on when they let him out. I'm off to deliver a bunch of DVDs to keep him going!

Peace ;)


At 9/13/2006 9:40 pm, Blogger his and hers said...

C'mon Tim, man up and walk it off.
Just kidding, good to hear all is well. Milk it for all it is worth, that's what I'd do.

Mike and Beka

At 9/14/2006 12:54 am, Blogger Plus Crew said...

just try not to laugh, otherwise you laugh til you cry.

katy ;)


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