Sorry all you cheese enthusiasts, this has nothing to do with the creamy goodness that is cheese. It's just a place for me and Timmy to put up photos and mindless mutterings about our fabulous lives.
Thursday, June 29
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First up: Martina's birthday as he turns real old and celebrates in style. Also a big yay time to have Danielle Bell and Hugot back in the land of the long white cloud. Then we have a bit more baby fun with Zach and my cousin Becks and my Nan. Finally some dress-up madness as we farewell Michael and Rebecca. In case it's not obvious, Tim is a fairy, I'm a prom queen, Vicky went as a granny, Red was a pirate, Beka a firefighter and Edward was Evil Knievel in an amazing outfit his sister made!
I'm so disgusted with plastic surgery at the moment. I can remember when NZ first got Desperate Housewives and everyone was amazed at how gorgeous Teri Hatcher looked. And now check her out! Her whole face is munted by plastic surgery. She's obviously gone too far. So if any of you are thinking of surgical enchancement - please don't. Except you Martin, you gotta get rid of that thing on your face, bro. Puts me off my dinner.
Hey guys. Anna Murray was writing her weekly "sexy sports star" column today and we had an office-wide debate over which Italian footballer was hotter. So get in your votes. For the record I prefer number two, whose name is Marco.
Our little man is growing up so fast. He's getting so big - really long and about twice his birth weight. He can also hold his head up almost on his own. Very clever, as all Brees tend to be. Here he is with his grandpa.
What happens when a bunch of lunatics hit the town dressed up as their workmate. Despite not looking like him at all, it was a great night had by everyone. And Rob knew exactly who they were when he walked through the door. Was so much fun - we had perfect strangers trying on the Rob wigs and the singer at the Claddagh even put one on. Then he got Rob up on stage and made up songs about his sideburns. Brilliant. And at the end of the night, Rob could barely talk, so that was athe sign of a good send off. (Don't ask me about my outfit, cocked it up big time - but the mic sure came in handy during the singalongs!)
The unthinkable has happened. I can't stand Tom Cruise and the mongrel has come over here and bought up a chunk of my beloved rural West Auckland! Apparently he was seen at the Downtown Ferry Building and has bought land in Coatesville. And he's going to build a mansion there. Poos. West Auckland is going to be tainted with Scientology-loving aliens. At least when he was in Taranaki it was hours away :(