Bree's Cheese
Sorry all you cheese enthusiasts, this has nothing to do with the creamy goodness that is cheese. It's just a place for me and Timmy to put up photos and mindless mutterings about our fabulous lives.
Monday, April 30
Thursday, April 26
Hello my name is Kelly and I'm a quilter

I've been working on panels that are looking really good and got inspired in Australia when seeing all the cool stuff Barb has made. I know you're all laughing at me - but seriously! It's so much fun. It gives me something to do instead of getting bored when Tim's got his nose in his study books (as in all the time at the moment!**) and I really love all the material I've got. I'm sure most people turn to booze when faced with hours of boredom, so surely quilting is a healthier alternative ha ha.
There I have confessed. I have the hobby of a 60 year old. But I'm not even the youngest in my class! I will post some of my masterpiece when I get around to photographing it.
** Tim is a buzy Lizzie at the moment with studying - in fact he had a test today and one tomorrow - so GOOD LUCK TIM!!
Just a random pic of Tim I found...
I know you're all thinking that nothing has happened in the life of the "Breenies" (as Alex has started calling us) since Easter but really it's been a busy old life and we've been all over the bleedin' place (including to Australia for one half of us).
Things which have happened since I last posted:
1. Tim went away with the Renalls for what sounded like an incredibly fun weekend over Easter while I stayed home ensuring I brought home the bacon. I had fun staying with the Streets and having an incredibly drunken (and memorable) Good Friday which I'm still trying to live down. Martin has mocked me ever since because he managed to get me being a fool on video.
2. On "Good Monday" Martha and I went for a bush walk in the Waitakeres which we thought would be a pleasant stroll with a picnic in the middle. Turned out we had to hack our way thru dense bush and I fell over and muddied my arse and my favourite running shoes. Great times though, we had quite a laugh over it all.
3. Tim and I spent two days together after such a big break only to have to farewell each other again when I went to Brisbane. Sniff. I forgot my passport until we were heading thru the checking in part and mum asked (as a joke) if I'd remembered it. Ha ha, it was so bad! Had to call Tim to rush it to the airport for me.
4. Celebrated cousin Emma's wedding to Brett up Tambourine Mountain in Queensland - it was a most cool spot and a very cool wedding and lots of fun. Spent a few days relaxing in the hot Jimboomba weather before having to tear ourselves away, back to the real world.
5. I came down with a shocking flu. Whinge moan moan argh how annoying. I hate being sick. Was bored sensless.
6. We watched the film Kenny, which I really recommend if you haven't seen it. It's an Australian comedy similar to the Castle about a man who works with portable loos. Hilarious.
7. On Saturday we went to the Roller Derby because Danielle was really keen to check it out. We were excited that it was near home (at the Mt Wellington roller rink) and we had a few drinks at our place beforehand. Loads of fun. It was a real lesbian affair because most of the players are quite butch but a fun time was had by all. Afterward we bumped into my former workmate Judy and went to the new Sylvia Park pub with her and her mate, who had just finished interviewing Anthony Kiedis. I was most impressed! It was great fun to be able to walk home from the pub since it's never been possible at our place before! My only whinge is that the local played some truly horrible songs a la Ricky Martin's Livin La Vida Loca.
8. Half of Sunday was spent in the lounge watching Danielle try to get over her raging hangover ha ha. Thank goodness for the Home and Away omnibus which kept us all amused. Then Tim and I went to Cornwell Park to meet everyone there for some BYC (backyard cricket) which I refused to play because I normally get laughed at.
9. Then on Tuesday night Mere and Dan threw Kat a surprise birthday party to show her how we did it in the 80s in NZ. It was so much fun. There was party food (enough to rot your teeth just by looking at it) Pass the parcel, pin the tail on the donkey and the dress-up chocolate game. Hilarious. I'll post pics when I steal them from Dan.
And that's about it. Drinks this Friday to farwell Chris Moon, who "reckons' he's going to Japan. We're not sure if we believe him. Hope everyone's well, will get up photos in the morning although I can't promise they'll be too interesting!