Sunday, October 29

Men In Drag

It doesn't take much to encourage those boys into dresses, which is what really worries me. Just one mention of the fact that I own dresses and whammo - they're dressed in drag. Alex and I went a little more low key to the 80s party - she grabbed a bottle of Mello Yello and I wore an Adidas cap - but the boys just had to show us up.

Daniel was really disturbing because (and I quote) he "felt sexy" at one point. Hmmmm. And then there was the incident with someone's bra which the man with one jandal stole off the line. Note to people throwing rowdy parties: ALWAYS TAKE YOUR WASHING OFF THE LINE. PARTICULARLY UNDERWEAR. Boys can't help themselves.

The guy with one jandal was freaking hilarious. He was gutted cause he'd borrowed them off his dad and broken one. As we walked in to the party he turned around and said: "If anyone asks, I haven't lost a jandal, I've found one". Ha ha ha.

Other photos are of Daniel's surprise birthday party - the TWO CAKE affair - and of Vicky as she turned a very mature 25, Tim looking at a property book in Pauanui while we waited for the crew to arrive, and Zach in his new highchair that his nana got him. He's learned how to bang on things - brilliant!

OH AND You've got to click on the top pic to read the street name. Alex spotted it and the "laydees" were completely oblivious.


At 10/30/2006 9:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh the street name. Well done. Balls to wearing a dress again.... makes me look fat.

At 11/21/2006 3:18 am, Blogger Katy and Grant said...

Why is it all kiwi blokes love any excuse to get kitted out in a dress??
Must be some repressed urge or something...


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